.降香檀不同部位挥发油成分的 GC-MS 分析研究[J].江西中医药大学学报,2024,36(2):70-73. |
降香檀不同部位挥发油成分的 GC-MS 分析研究 |
GC-MS Analysis of Volatile Components in Different Parts of DalbergiaOdoriferaT.Chen |
DOI:0.20140/j.2095-7785.2024.02.19 |
中文关键词: 降香檀;挥发油;GC-MS ;顶空进样法 |
英文关键词: Dalbergia odorifera T. Chen; Volatile Components; GC-MS; Headspace Injection Method |
西中医药大学博士启动基金项目(2020WBZR002) |
摘要点击次数: 577 |
全文下载次数: 518 |
中文摘要: |
目的:对降香檀心材、叶、种子和边材的挥发油成分进行分析比较。方法:采用气相色谱 - 质谱联用(GC-MS)技
降香檀心材、叶、种子及边材中分别鉴定出 20、11、13 、8 种化学成分,分别占挥发油含量的 80.77%、68.84%、94.69 %、
85.52% ;从心材、叶、种子及边材中共分析出 44 种化合物,四者共有成分有 1 种,为橙花叔醇;心材、叶和边材三者共有成
分有 2 种;心材与叶共有成分有 2 种;心材与种子共有成分有 1 种;心材与边材共有成分有 3 种。心材和叶中的挥发油主要
成分为橙花叔醇,相对含量分别为 41.99%、18.67%;种子中的挥发油主要成分为十四甲基环七硅氧烷(22.91%);边材中的
挥发油主要成分为 4- 甲基吡啶氧化物(51.86%)。结论:降香檀心材与叶、种子和边材的挥发油成分组成有相似之处,但
含量差别较大,为寻找降香资源的替代品,提高叶、种子和边材的资源利用提供直接的理论依据 |
英文摘要: |
Objective: To analyze and compare the chemical constituents of volatile components from heartwood,leaves, seeds and
sapwood of Dalbergia odorifera T. Chen. Methods: The technique of gas chromatographic mass spectrometry (GC-MS) along with
headspace injection method was employed to discriminate the Dalbergiaodorifera T. Chen,getting Dalbergiaodorifera T. Chen the total ion
chromatorgraphy of the different parts of the volatile components,the relative percentage content of each component was determined by area
normalization method. Results: From Dalbergiaodorifera T. Chen heartwood,leaves, seeds and sapwood respectively identified 20, 11, 13,
8 kinds of volatile components,accounting for 80.77%, 68.84%, 94.69% and 85.52%, respectively. A total of 44 compounds were identified
from heartwood,leaves, seeds and sapwood, of which, there was 1 common ingredient, nerolidol. The heartwood, leaves and sapwood
have 2 common ingredients; the heartwood and leaves have 2 common ingredients;the heartwood and seeds have 1 common ingredient;the
heartwood and sapwood have 3 common ingredients. The main component of the essential oil in the heartwood and leaves, was nerolidol, with
the relative content of 41.99% and 18.67%, respectively. The main component of the essential oil in the seeds, was Tetradecamethylcyclohep
tasiloxane, with the relative content of 22.91%, The main component of the essential oil in the sapwood, was 4-methylpyridine 1-oxide, with
the relative content of 51.86%. Conclusion: Dalbergiaodorifera T. Chen heartwood and leaves, seeds and sapwood volatile components
have similarities, but content difference is big,which provides a direct theoretical basis for exploring dalbergiae substitute resources and
improving the resource utilization of leaves,seeds and sapwood. |
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