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Clinical Observation on Treatment of Anemofrigid Cold by Invigorating splenic yang and Expeling haze Acupuncture and Moxibustion Therapy
中文关键词: “升阳祛霾”针灸法;针灸疗法;风寒感冒;急性鼻炎
江西中医学院附属医院,南昌 330006
摘要点击次数: 9882
全文下载次数: 9509
      目的:观察采用“升阳祛霾”针灸法治疗风寒感冒的临床疗效。方法:将160例风寒感冒患者,随机分为试验组(“升阳祛霾”针灸法)及对照组(西药泰诺酚麻美敏片),共观察5 d。“升阳祛霾”针灸法即针刺迎香、风池、印堂、百会、合谷等穴与艾灸热敏化腧穴(百会及印堂穴)相结合。结果:治疗2 d后试验组愈显率为61.25%,对照组愈显率为60%,两组比较无显著性差异(P>0.05);5 d后试验组愈显率为93.75%,对照组愈显率为87.5%,两组比较有显著性差异(P<0.05)。结论:“升阳
      Objective: To investigate the clinical therapeutic effect of invigorating splenic yang and expeling haze acupuncture and moxibustion therapy on anemofrigid cold. Methods: One hundred and sixty anemofrigid cold patients were randomly allocated to invigorating splenic yang and expeling haze acupuncture and moxibustion therapy (the experiment group) and medication (TYLENOL COLD) (the control group) groups . To observe for 5 days all . Invigorating splenic yang and expeling haze acupuncture and moxibustion therapy, acupuncturing at points Yingxiang, Fengchi, Yintang, Baihui, Hegu, and so on,plus moxibustion at temperature sensitive Shu-acupoint. Results: At two days after therapy, the cure and marked efficacy rate was 61.25% in the experiment group and 60% in the control group .There was no significant difference between the two groups (P>0.05) . At five days after therapy, the cure and marked efficacy rate was 93.75% in the experiment group and 87.5% in the control group .There was a significant difference between the two groups (P<0.05) . Conclusion: Invigorating splenic yang and expeling haze acupuncture is a better therapy for anemofrigid cold. It , to possess the effect that expelling wind and removing cold, warming lung scatter pathogen and to reach unblocking and benefit nasal cavity , can arouse and stimulate the yangqi of all over the body most effectually, strengthen the disease resistance of organism.
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